Saturday, December 18, 2010

OPW: Week 7

It was a pretty crazy week at work this week. I was busy. I was stressed about my final on Wed. It's been so cold here that I never felt like wearing a skirt. Let's just suffice it to say that snapping OPW pics this week was a bit tough.

No pictures. Sorry.


No pics at work, but I did stop at Target on the way home and picked up some new over-the-knee socks. I couldn't resist trying them on and snapping a few pictures.

Again, no pictures at work. :(
This was snapped during a break I took at a friend's house during a craft party.

A friend told me that what makes OPW even more erotic and sexy is that the pictures are taken at work. This friend suggested I do what I can to show that off - include a glimpse of my office chair or a bit of my desk.

Since I didn't really have much of an opportunity for great OPW shots, here is a little extra something. I shot this in the bathroom on Tuesday.

Also, if you haven't noticed, I added a new page filled with office pictures. There's a tab up at the top. You should definitely check it out. I've included all the picures I've snapped at work - not just the ones that made it to an OPW post.


  1. Sexxxy pics of you! Can't wait for the next ones. Thanks for sharing Lola.

  2. a.m.a.z.i.n.g
    love these!!!

  3. @Os, Experiment, and Anonymous - Thank you! Glad you like my pics. :-*

  4. I was going to chastise you for nothing for Monday, but then I saw the rest of the week and changed my mind ;-)

  5. Especially loved the pic with you at your desk, being able to see a hint of landing strip showing, mmmmm. It's those little details that make them so erotic.

  6. Holy crap. Love OPW as always.

    and I have to admit that video really got me going.

  7. @Hubman - Good thing I made up for it the rest of the week. Now I really need to get on the ball this week...

    @Marcus - Ok. Little details. Check.

    @GoodWill - Really got you going, huh? Damn! ;)

  8. @Hubman - Good thing I made up for it the rest of the week. Now I really need to get on the ball this week...

    @Marcus - Ok. Little details. Check.

    @GoodWill - Really got you going, huh? Damn! ;)

  9. Sexxxy pics of you! Can't wait for the next ones. Thanks for sharing Lola.


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