Thursday, April 11, 2013

J is for...

Just Jilling.

Now, this is something that I used to do a LOT more of. Just shift through my old posts about Masturbation. In a previous job, I even did it right at my desk.

Gone are my days of such downtime and privacy. *sigh*

Now most of my jilling is done in the shower yes, that's me in the video. sorry the water's so loud and the moaning so quiet., and it's relatively unfrequent. Maybe only a couple times a month. I'm usually running too late in the mornings and simple don't have the time.

Some mornings I have to simply make the time. You know, choosing to jill rather than, say, shave. That's what maxi dresses and skirts are for, right?


  1. That's a fucking awesome way to start the day!

    Thanks for that!

  2. I'm a day behind on my alphabet for the A to Z challenge but I was thinking of making my J post being about Jacking and Jilling too... though I was actually probably going to rant a bit about the word 'Jilling' I just don't like it LOL I don't know what it is but... meh. I guess like anything else to do with sex it comes down to personal preference :)

    ~ Cori Vidae ~

    1. LOL. I'm not actually a big fan of "jilling" either, but I already had a word for M. ;)

  3. I have a sneaking suspicion that I can't click on that link for a few more days, but I'm sorely tempted.

  4. I can click it now and... wow :)

  5. Lola, everything about that video is beautiful and sexy, just like you

  6. Great post as usual. Funny you should touch on masturbation. Check out the picture of the cat on my K post. lol

  7. Just *wow*!!! So damned hot! This is the hottest thing I've seen since...hmmmmm.... :-)

    1. Oh, I don't know, Max. Maybe since the last time. ;-)


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