Tuesday, April 23, 2013

T is for ...


S was going to be for Sorry. Sorry for missing nearly all of last week. Since I didn't get around to writing that post, now I'm in big AtoZ Challenge trouble.

No, not really.

But I still feel bad about not sticking better to my challenge. I did really well for the first two weeks, but then I got busy and lack of planning on my part really led me to trouble. I'm not sure how well the rest of the challenge will go since I'll be at Ragnar Fri and Sat, which means I'll need to schedule some posts ahead of time.

Wish me luck. :)

In the meantime, here are 5 random pics from my Tumblr.

So, maybe T is for Tumblr Tuesday...


  1. Which Ragnar? My friend just finished one in southern CA and had a great time. Good Luck!!!

    As we accept your apology, now, let's think of what else we could to with T.....



    1. I did Ragnar Zion. It was trail running and very different from a road relay but just as much fun!

  2. Terrific!

    Looking forward to see more.

    1. Hopefully, I'll still squeeze in something for Y and Z. :)


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