Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Remember this post about a sexy voice on the other end of a business call?

I totally just had to give this guy another call. He's probably just about the only person I'd rather hear from than just receiving an email.

Damn! He makes me all hot and bothered....and wet...

Oh how I'd love to have him whisper sweet nothings in my ear.


Wonder how he'd respond if I told him such things...


  1. I'm a big sucker for voices. But one that can make you wet? Wow - that's impressive. For both you AND him!

  2. I bet his response would be very favorable, maybe even appreciative

  3. foxy - well, there *may* have been other factors. But if I were to get that voice in person. Oh my!

    H - you may be right, but...

  4. I bet his response would be very favorable, maybe even appreciative


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