Friday, February 4, 2011

FFF: Double Dose

(Source image: Playboy Playmates Karissa and Kristina Shannon)
68-134 words
"...a double dose..."

“Remind me again why we’re doing this?” Karissa whined.

“For our fans. They want a double dose.”

“But no one’s going to believe we were actually playing tennis. Why do we have to do this out here?”

“Do you actually want to play tennis? No? Then stop being so pissy and just pose.”

The photographer smiles as he continues snapping photos, not seeming to mind the bickering nonsense.

Ok, I know it's lame, but these girls look bitchy with lots of attitude, and they certainly don't seem like they want to be doing whatever it is they're doing. Actually looking back at the picture now, they both look really sad to me. :(


  1. I love this take. They really do look like they'd bicker immaturely with each other. Very clever.

    Happy FFF!

  2. Your dialog is spot on. A good take on the picture.

  3. Yes, yes, a million times yes! If this wasn't what was going on when this picture was taken, I'd be very surprised.

  4. They seem to have an attitude for sure! That was a great take on the pic.

  5. LOL!!! Perfect! You did a great job, and I look forward to seeing more.

  6. When I first looked I just saw a couple sexy and not very enthusiastic blondes.
    Then I read your post and looked again.
    They do seem rather sad.

  7. My first impression of the pic was that they looked like stuck up bitches! hahah!!! For some reason their boobies look weird to me as well... *giggles*

  8. Thanks, everyone, for your comments. I'm surprised how well you all seemed to like this dialogue. :) Yay!

    Inferno, I agree. Their eyes just seem so very sad. :(

    Happy, their boobies do look weird. That was one of the first things I noticed! Ew. Glad it's not just me.

  9. Thanks, everyone, for your comments. I'm surprised how well you all seemed to like this dialogue. :) Yay!

    Inferno, I agree. Their eyes just seem so very sad. :(

    Happy, their boobies do look weird. That was one of the first things I noticed! Ew. Glad it's not just me.

  10. My first impression of the pic was that they looked like stuck up bitches! hahah!!! For some reason their boobies look weird to me as well... *giggles*

  11. I love this take. They really do look like they'd bicker immaturely with each other. Very clever.

    Happy FFF!


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