Wednesday, September 7, 2011

HNT: Office

If you've been reading along for awhile, you know that I have a thing about taking naughty pictures at work.

Last week, in my scavenger hunt quest, I think I took it to a whole new level.
Bend Me Over
*click for a brighter look*
So, here's my 3rd notch on the scavenger hunt post.

If you want to see more office pics (which I am desperately in need of updating), visit my Picasa albums. There are links up above on my OPW Pics page.

Now head over and visit Os for more HNT fun!
And then, of course, there's the OHNT
 for some even naughtier fun.

Don't forget to enter my giveaway for a free erotica movie from JoyBear Pictures. Contest ends 9/18/2011 @ 11: 59pm CDT.


  1. I do like this scavenger hunt!  :-)

  2. crazy sexy .... and walk ins?

  3. Awwww sweet thing, you jumped me!  I'm doing it from my office next week ;)

    nice shot :)

  4. *gush*  Damn it, now I have to clean my chair.

  5. I feel so breathless when I see you, I swear I'm going to pass out each time you post. Please keep doing what you do. You're wonderful.

  6. You sure did take it to a new level... Great shot in the office... 

  7. I love that picture... but I imust ask who took the picture...?  lol

  8. You'd be welcome to walk-in, but thankfully, no co-workers did.

  9. lol. I knew you had one coming up, but it's all I could get for this week. I'm looking forward to what you'll come up with.

  10. *hands Lexi a towel* :)

  11. Please don't pass out! Of course, then maybe I'll have to revive you. ;-)

  12. Oh, Lawless, this was at the hand of my best friend...the self-timer. *wink*

  13. Oh, Lawless, this was at the hand of my best friend...the self-timer. *wink*

  14. Oh, Lawless, this was at the hand of my best friend...the self-timer. *wink*

  15.  Sigh, how come my office never looks like thar?

  16. No shot taken in a bathroom stall at work photo for you!  Very brave and definitely took it up a notch or three! :)

  17. What a gorgeous creature you are! Love the pose...lovely all around. :)

  18. Oh, Emmy! I've taken my fair share of bathroom stall work photos, but this day my boss and her boss were both out. The temptation was just too great.

  19. Guess you need to come work here. ;-)

  20. Whew.... :-)  This really is a whole new level!  Very sexy pic. :-)))

    Happy Thursday!

  21. Your Notch is perfect at my eye=level -- Thankz for the brighter-lit one cuz I see lotsa Notches I'd like to do so I could notch my BEDPOST! (The wooden BEDPOST, not MY wood!)  XOXOXXX

  22. Good Lord!!! I hope my phone didn't break when I dropped it. Absolutely stunning!!

  23. What a beautiful view!!!! Wow

  24. We really enjoyed this
    daring photoshoot of you in the office… We couldn’t help but imagine how this
    story could have finished…. :

    As you had just turned
    the camera and tripod to face the armchair and you were bending over, it would
    be sooo good if


    Some coworker or your  boss  had smacked you on your  bare ass and then ask you: “What the hell do
    you think you are doing?”

    You wouldn’t even get a squeak out. Your  face on fire, bright red

     “What the hell are you doing?”

    Finally you could get some words out, something

    “It’s a dare. I’m doing a dare.”

    “Where do you think you are going?”

    “To leave.”

    “I don’t think so.”


    “The dare was naked, wasn’t it?”


    “Then you haven’t completed it. Get the rest off.”

    You would  toe off your  heels and strip naked. All the while the
    coworker would take  pictures with that  camera. When stripped naked, coworker would open
    a drawer in a desk, put the clothes in it , lock the deskand say: “Let’s see
    what we can do with you.”

    You would be ordered to sit on the edge of a
    conference table and to pull your  feet
    up and place them outside your hips. You would shake  your head head no.

    “If you want them back, do as I say.”, would be
    the answer.

    “I don’t want to do this, please.”

    “Shut up. Do as you are told or you will be
    outside just like you are right now.”

    “Hands out to your sides and lean back a little.”

    You would do as told. Then coworker would take several
    pictures of you naked and spread open.

    Then you would be told  to open your pussy for him/her  and he / she would take  several shots of you  like that. He /she would hand you a marker for
    a white board

    “Put it in.”

    “Put it in you little slut”

    You would 
    lower  the marker to your pussy
    and slowly insert it inside me. Coworker would smirk at you as he / she would
    take  several shots of you  with the marker penetrating your  pussy. She would  make you 
    push it in and out of your  pussy
    a few times and you would be  humiliated
    at how easily it would go in  and out.
    Feeling  pretty aroused even with being
    so embarrassed and humiliated.

    Once again,
    thanks for the excellent dare… we will try it too…  we have tried several already as you can see
    in our blog.



  25. Rossz, This truly made me laugh. I hope your phone has recovered. :-)

  26. Thank you for this fun little fantasy! :-)

  27. Beautiful, magnificent, hot, sexy, everything so well done.  Can't think of enough good words to say about these pics!

  28. I love this photo, and fair play to you, I dont think I have the nerve do something like this in my job.


  29. I love all your words. :-)

  30. Thank you, Adomis! It was only slightly nerve-wracking. ;-)

  31. Now why did I not think of using my office pics for the scavenger hunt before? Very hot! 

    This takes you up to Silver, by the way - update your badge :)

    xx Dee

  32. Wow, nice to see you, want to come "work" in my office?

  33. Thanks, Dee. I've updated my badge. :-)

  34. I thought we posted a comment on this entry a couple weeks ago, but I guess not.  Both shots are hot - the darker one is more artistic and mysterious, while the click-thru is delectable.  Your thighs look beautiful here, and all I can think about is having them wrapped around me - waist or head, doesn't matter.


  35. Well, now all I can think about is wrapping my thighs around you.

  36. love that city hall across the street is in the pic!  would love to be sitting in a nearby office chair and roll over to lick as you continue looking out the window... 

  37. Oh, LMG! Where have you been? :)


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